Boomers Concierge – Stress free time and money saver.

Travel and holiday accommodation booking websites have had a tremendous impact on the travel industry and are used by millions of people to book the accommodation they want at the best prices. But are they getting the best possible deal? For obvious reasons, operators of hotels and resorts do not want to display there lowest … Read more

I Will Never Eat This!

I will never eat this. Decreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke is unlikely. It could even increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to heart valve stenosis, damage the microvascular, cause greater ischemic stroke damage and more. If your GP recommends you eat it ask him/her to read the article and the listed research and see what they have to say then.

Hilarious – Why Healthy Eating Is Hard

Watch This It’s Absolutely Hilarious Finished laughing. Well, most of this video clip is deadly accurate and clearly demonstrates how bad and or manipulated science can impact upon whole populations. But not everything in this funny clip is absolutely true. Age related Chronic Disease is not dependent solely on genetics. Numerous ‘experts’ state that genetics … Read more

Phytosterol Supplementation

Summary English medical professionals are instructed NEVER to advised patients to eat phytosterol enriched foods. On the other hand the Australian Heart Foundation recommends medical professionals advise patients to consume 2–3 g of phytosterols per day from margarine, breakfast cereal, reduced fat yoghurt or reduced fat milk enriched with phytosterols (approximately 2–3 serves per day of … Read more