Cleaning The Roof

Dave always thought of himself as a handyman fixing things around the house that need some TLC.  Last summer Dave thought the roof on his eighteen- year old house was in-need of a good clean. Over the years Dave’s terracotta tiles had been growing a garden of dusty greyish green Lichen.  The roof had a … Read more

An interview with John Safran

Since his rise to prominence via the unorthodox channel of Race Around The World, John Safran has become an authority on contemporary documentaries in his own irreverent, delightfully acerbic way. Throughout a colourful career that has now spanned some twenty years, the slightly-built, unassuming-looking Melbournian has produced and starred in a series of disparate, controversial … Read more

He Always Knew

He woke with a start, not knowing what had disturbed his sleep. Closing his eyes to the darkness, he rearranged his pillow and his legs. Something was wrong. He couldn’t hear the refrigerator gurgling and rattling in the kitchen. He raised his head to hear better but still no gurgling and rattling. He waited for … Read more

The Lancers Rugby Team

I’ll never play Rugby against the Lancers again,They really play roughly and mean.Their Captain rejoices in administering pain,And their pack is a killing machine. For the last time we played ‘gainst the Lancers,They chased us all over the field.They called us a bunch of gay dancers,Until finally we all had to yield. One of their … Read more

Reggie, Kevin, Charlie & Ron

Reggie and Kevin and Charlie and Ron,Learned to be soldiers and to fight with a gun.They joined up together and trained as a team,With their uniforms pressed and their boots all agleam. They fought in the Falklands and then in Iraq,They protected each other in every attack.Then all left the Army in two thousand and … Read more

Sofija Stefanovic Feature

Sofija Stefanovic is a Serbian-Australian author now based in New York. Among her other writing endeavours, Stefanovic regularly hosts the prestigious literary salon Women Of Letters New York and This Alien Nation, the latter being founded on the ideal of offering those of immigrant backgrounds a platform through which to tell their unique stories. In … Read more

A Scarf for Alfred

There was a rhythm to the clicking of the knitting needles as the scarf grew longer. Her fingers were knobby and stiff but they never faltered, stitch after stitch, row after row. Her brown eyes were as bright and alert as those of someone much younger. The knitting yarn was the color of the sky … Read more