Boomers Concierge – Stress free time and money saver.

Travel and holiday accommodation booking websites have had a tremendous impact on the travel industry and are used by millions of people to book the accommodation they want at the best prices. But are they getting the best possible deal? For obvious reasons, operators of hotels and resorts do not want to display there lowest … Read more

Surprise Travel

Over the last fifteen years international travel has become more accessible for the average Australian. Schools and universities run student exchange programs, companies such as Student Flights and STA offer super cheap holiday deals and it has become almost a rite of passage for young adults to take a gap year specifically to travel. The … Read more

Adventures in Scotland’s Lowlands and Highlands

The drive from London to Glasgow was never going to be fun. The M6 for nearly 10 hours. Stop, start, congestion, open road, do it all again. When I arrived in the host city of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, Glasgow didn’t sell. The driving rain blocked out the drab grey buildings. Summer in Scotland and … Read more

A Date With The Dead Below Rome

To say I spent a pleasant, sunny, spring day beneath the city of Rome, surrounded by dirt, dust and history doesn’t sound particularly pleasing. You would assume that I, a first time tourist to the famous city, would have spent every moment above ground, soaking up the sights, wandering the Colosseum or climbing the Spanish … Read more

Handy Little Ecuador

Rhythms are resounding through the Otavalo Market, one of the largest and oldest indigenous markets in the world. There are handmade goods everywhere: hammocks and mantas, funky wool hats and gloves, brilliantly embroidered belts. A rainbow threaded into each piece. I look up and feel the drums pounding like cold sweats. We’re in the Ecuadorian … Read more

BALI: Bogan Paradise or Misjudged?

Disclaimer; if you’re the type of holidaymaker who loves boozing in Kuta, yelling ACDC songs while wearing a Bintang singlet, the following is not for you. With trepidation I left for my second holiday to the Australian “Mecca of Boganality”, Bali (not the Gold Coast during Schoolies). It wasn’t for the cheap beer and mammoth … Read more