Katy and Me – An obsession most peculiar

Like all twenty-nine-year-old heavily-tattooed males, I harbour an obsession for pop sensation Katy Perry. Hear me out and try and work this out. When driving, I exclusively listen to her immortal Teenage Dream album. Now, I’m not alone in my love of it, that self-same album placed Perry in the record books in being the … Read more

An interview with Lex Hirst

While Lex Hirst has undoubtedly become a leading authority on the Australian literary landscape, it is perhaps her passion for working closely with new authors which has distinguished her most from her contemporaries. The recent immense success with debut novelist Daniel Findlay’s Year Of The Orphan has demonstrated not only her aptitude for identifying outstanding Spec-Fiction titles, but … Read more

Old Mike

The veterans were at a reunion, And pleased that they’d met once again. They retold a thousand old stories, Of adventures, drinking and pain. An old soldier then finished his story, And said, “You’ve now made me think, Of old Mike, who was once in our section, And by Christ, he really could drink.” Dave … Read more

Chasing Immortality

At the very root of our evolutionary tree there exist an immense variety of simple organisms. The phylum cnidaria alone contains over 10, 000 species, mostly anemones, corals and jellyfish. Recently a particular species of jellyfish has received a fair amount of attention due to some new and exciting observations. Swimming amongst the swarm of … Read more

An interview with Gideon Haigh

Do you feel that after all your exhaustive research you have obtained a comprehensive understanding of Mollie Dean beyond the conjecture, to that of her real character and personality? Is that even possible through such means? I’ve done the best job possible. I don’t think there are too many avenues that I didn’t explore and … Read more

The Omen

Kate’s radiant smile had made her briefly beautiful; she stopped and left a seat for Zoe to come and rest on the way to the race… had she wanted to. Some people left those rare empty spaces for others, be they elderly or in some way disadvantaged, but today, since the spectators had been prevented … Read more

The Old Dark House

The black and white film contained many well-known and familiar elements of old horror classics, such as spooky shadows, flickering light, and warped facial reflections, resulting in a horror which resonates even today. The scripting of the film makes for a hilarious watch, with theatrical acting and more one-liners than a Hollywood action flick. At … Read more

A Resolve to Ruin

Part 2 (Part One was published here) ‘Wait, hey, wait,’ the young girl raced off after him, neither of them remembering to pay. Not that the waitress was inclined to rectify the matter, she observed the drama unfolding like the rest of those entranced by the spectacle, with a broad, dopey grin plastered on her … Read more

Memories of the Army

“I have wonderful memories of the Army.” The old man said to the youth. “Some of them now sound quite barmy, But some have a basis in truth. We had adventures in many far places, And maybe the odd pint of ale. We endured lots of friendly embraces,But that is the best of the tale.” … Read more

A Resolve to Ruin

Part One Malcolm surveyed the lay of the land, studious and stoic, face betraying nothing, ignoring the heat toasting his shoulders from the sun overhead. The crowd lumbered around him, babies bawling in prams, geriatrics wheezing what could be their last, kids haphazardly weaving paths through the gaps, jostling with nonplussed adults. The heads of … Read more

A Soldier’s Life

He sat on the end of the pier. An old man now, he wore a long gabardine overcoat and a red scarf to keep the wind at bay. His black brogues were slightly scuffed. After Gillian died he didn’t see the point in keeping them shiny, a life-long habit broken. Her lingering death from cancer … Read more