About Us

About The Club

Welcome to the Boomers Club, a community for over 50’s who wish the best is still to come. The club was formed in 2015 with the initial idea that the pathway to happiness and satisfaction for its founders was arranging for other like minded Boomers to get together and have fun.

The Club has grown since then and offers a broad range of activities and experiences. We deliver great quality interesting content ranging from travel, food and wine, longevity fiction and non fiction, right through to entertainment and fun stuff like daily crosswords and Sudoku. Make sure you check in regularly so you don’t miss out on all the news.

We want the Boomer community to be involved, so if you have anything interesting you would like to contribute, whether it be a travel tip or a favourite recipe, we would love to hear from you. Contact Cameron at cameron@boomersclub.com.au

The Boomers Longevity section is centred on the actions boomers can take to slow our natural ageing process and hopefully help us live life to the full for as long as possible! Longevity is the word to describe how long we live, or in other words our lifespan. Like you I’m a Boomer and we Boomers are more likely to spend more time considering the state of our health than when we were in our teens or twenties.

Our Travel section provides information, articles and deals relating to within Australia and international travel outside of Australia. And coming soon, the Boomers Club Concierge Desk where you can deal with a real person and get access to accommodation deals around the world that will beat hands down anything you will find on any of the well known travel websites. Exclusive to Boomers Club members only.

Members get full access to Whats On to a wide range of events and activities. To date we have held over one hundred fun events in Melbourne ranging from wine tours to pleasant Sunday lunches. It is a great way to make new friends!

In February we hosted our inaugural Cruise and a great time was had by all. Members will get priority access to the next one and it promises to be even better than the first. We want expand these around Australia, so if you are interested in hosting or promoting an event let Cameron know at cameron@boomersclub.com.au

If you’re are boomer and you’re not done yet, what are you waiting for? Join up now, it’s free so what have you got to lose? Members will receive our weekly newsletter as well as Member only special offers and deals.