Cheese Twists Recipe

I don’t know about you, but some of my favourite things in life are pastry and cheese. I wanted a way to combine these two delicious foods and given the idea from my South Cape Cheese recipe book, I thought I’d put my spin on it.


• Camembert or brie cheese cut into slices (as thick or thin as you would like it cheesey)

• 2 sheets of puff pastry

• Quince paste

• Egg to wash


• Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celsius.

• Lay out your thawed pastry and cut it into 4 long strips vertically and then into three sections


• Cut your cheese to fit within each rectangle and place to one side.

• Add a dollop of quince paste to the middle of each piece of cheese.

• Pick up one cheese section and fold the pastry over to cover the cheese. Then give it a twist and place onto a lined baking tray.

• Repeat this with each cheese rectangle and then place the tray into the oven for 15-20 mins until the pastry has puffed and is starting to brown. Please note that oozing may have occurred!

• Serve with cream or ice cream for a dessert or with a chutney dipping sauce for great party finger food.

This recipe first appeared in the Australia Times Australian Grown Magazine.

Published by

Kristie Giblin

Kristie Giblin is the Media And Communications Officer at West Tamar Council.

Website: Kristie Giblin

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