We are on average living longer than our parents and grand parents. Medical science has virtually eradicated death from infectious disease via the discovery and role out of vaccination, the development of antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal medicines as well as new surgical techniques. Improvements in air quality, city sanitation, and work place environments have also extended lifespan.
That leaves us all to deal with chronic disease. These are diseases like Alzheimer’s and other dementia, cancer, heart disease (leading to heart attack and stroke) Type II diabetes. While modern medical science has developed medicines and surgical techniques to extend the life of persons actual real cures are few and far between.
The fact is these chronic diseases are age related, the older we get the greater the chance of being diagnosed with one of these diseases. The rate a which we biologically age (as opposed to our chronological age) determines when on average we are likely to be diagnosed with chronic disease.
Humans are an unbelievably intricate biological machine, we are made up of about 60 to 80 trillion human cells that work in balance with each other to make us. Ageing is directly related to net cell damage, and the accumulation of damaged cells over time increases the risk of Chronic disease.
We use the term “net” cell damage because we humans have amazing cell repair mechanisms, and immune cells that kill rogue cells, as well as safety net systems to prevent aged cells from dividing any further which reduces of cancer mutations.
What determines our future, how happy we are, how healthy we are, and how long we live?
Or in other words what influences net cell damage. They are;
Our Genes, which we inherit from our parents.
Our Epigenome, which affects how our genes are switched and hence how they operate. Our Epigenome is both inherited, but changes throughout our lives and is modifiable.
Our lifestyle and environment. These are choices “we” can control which slow cell damage and can modify our Epigenome; and
Who “we” are. Well we are essentially the sum total of our life’s experience, these experiences subconsciously influence ALL decisions we make. This makes it difficult for humans to modify their actions so as to change lifestyles, modify their Epigenome, be happier and live longer.
There is nothing we can do about the genes we have inherited, but it is possible to alter the way, when and how they operate in order to slow ageing. This is most easily achieved, by working through the list above from the bottom up, first we have to address the “we” issue, then lifestyle, which can influence the Epigenome, which influences how happy we can be, and how long we may live healthy, productive and enjoyable lives.
Don’t be afraid to have a go, Boomers Health is exists to help members with this, and by their example they hopefully will be able to help others.
Progress to our brief introduction on cell damage, click HERE.
And for a brief introduction on Epigenomics click HERE
Visible Ageing.
There are some points that should be taken in from this video.
- The cell damage that leads to ageing is caused by the sun, pay particular attention to the skin on neck and compare the damage to it with that of the face. The face naturally shades the sun from the neck.
- Genetics plays a role, dark skinned people appear to have less damage.
- The damage is not reversible, but is preventable, and the rate at which damage is accumulated can be slowed by simply reducing the exposure to the sun.
- It’s about balance, some sunshine is necessary for good health, for example it is needed for Vitamin D production.
- Finally, “Gazillions” of dollars are spent globally by people to retain, or appear, more youthful.
Now spend a few minutes to understand the relative new science of Epigenetics.