Boomers Health – Disease Prevention Series
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Part II
Are these Diseases Type III Diabetes – and the possibility of preventing them.
Glenn Sargent
For Boomers Health
© Copyright Boomers Club Pty Ltd August 2016
If these diseases are the brain’s equivalent of Type II diabetes it is logical to conclude we can decrease or postpone the risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The initial article on these diseases included a brief description on how memory and learning worked, the effect of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and steps that may slow the symptoms even while the disease is progressing. It would be better if we didn’t get these diseases in the first place, or we could postpone their onset to older ages than would have otherwise been the case.
Is Alzheimer’s Type III Diabetes.
There are currently three Diabetes classifications, Type I, Type II and gestational diabetes. The end result of all three is the inability to control the levels of glucose in our blood; but the cause of each is different. Type I is an autoimmune disease where the pancreas is unable to produce the controller hormone insulin. Type II is different, in this case the body’s cells become insulin resistant, while the causes are a combination of factors the over consumption of food is the primary culprit. Alzheimers is being called Type III diabetes because it has the hallmarks of diabetes; being “brain insulin resistance”.
This does not mean that the cause of disease (and hence potential treatments) is the same as Type II diabetes.
The research we have covered on this subject is at best confusing, and we have been unable to draw any particular definite conclusion. So in answer to the question; yes Alzheimer’s is Type III diabetes; but this does not really help us, or medical science at this stage, to provide a particular medicine or particular lifestyle adjustments to prevent the disease.
One can say that Type II diabetics have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. There are far fewer diagnosed Alzheimer’s sufferers in Australia than there are Type II diabetics. Though this could be due to that diabetics may pass due to other diseases, like heart disease, prior to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
Can the Actual Disease be Prevented or Diagnosis Postponed until we are older.
Population studies would suggest the answer is yes. For example Okinawans live a long and healthy life with many making it past 90 and while still actively participating in and enjoying life. There are some underlying themes amongst long lived populations.
*While their diets may vary they don’t over eat they are thin.
*They don’t eat processed foods, diets are whole natural foods which they either grow themselves or are grown locally, that is fresh whole foods.
*They tend to live communally, and families stick together and spend a lot of time with each other.
*Life is relatively stress free and simple. No parking metres!
*Generally their exercise level is not exhaustive, they are not going to run out out of breath by running around the block, or lifting weights at the gym. They do participate in continuous steady exercise in their daily lives.
In essence if we follow their example it should have a similar effect. At Boomers Health we call it an anti-ageing lifestyle. This simply means relearning how to eat, learning how to manage stress, staying socially engaged, being relatively active, and getting a good night’s sleep, while at the same time enjoying all the benefits of living in a modern civilised Western first world society.
Boomers Health is all about helping its members achieve this.